Review: What is ProstaClear Prostate Product? Does It Work?
READ this very informative and detailed BLOG ARTICLE to learn and understand all about PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT BPH New Scientific Research shows that a particular Female Hormone is responsible for Prostate Enlargement.
The inventor of PROSTA CLEAR shares the following personal story about his own father. This Product Review will include some excerpts, but not the entire presentation - which is very powerful and touching. If you are suffering from any of the various Prostate Enlargement symptoms ( read this BLOG ARTICLE on our website: Understanding Prostate Enlargement BPH ), then we encourage you to read the entire powerful and moving STORY PRESENTATION. Learn how the ingredients in this prostate support product - PROSTA CLEAR, provide the necessary relief from the many symptoms of Prostate Enlargement that thousands of men suffer from.
Men who are aged 40 to 50 years old, or more, who are struggling with the issues and problems of an Enlarged Prostate, including the FREQUENT URGE to Pee, need to read the entire STORY PRESENTATION. Official statistics show 45% of 50 year olds have an enlarged prostate and urinary problems.
Research shows that over 55% of men, age 60 years old and up are struggling with Prostate Enlargement problems. After all, prostate issues are growing in numbers year after year.
According to the maker of PROSTA CLEAR, it is NOT excess DHT ( a Male Hormone ) that causes the Prostate to Swell, become Inflammed and Grow to a large size. On the contrary, according to other research, it is the excess of various forms of ESTROGEN ( a Female Hormone ) that is found in the bodies of many men with Enlarged Prostates - that causes their Prostate Gland to Swell Up and Grow too big in size. The specific form of ESTROGEN that is causing these problems is shown to be ESTRADIOL-17.
According to the maker of PROSTA CLEAR, when you take DHT Blockers they can ( temporarily ) reduce the size of your prostate and provide temporary relief ( ranging from a few weeks, to maybe even a few months or years if you’re lucky ). These drugs lower your DHT - which is your most important androgenic hormone. They also destroy your most manly androgenic traits. This means that when you take these drug DHT Blockers, which can help to reduce the levels of DHT in your body, you also end up with reduced muscle mass, increased body-fat, lower energy and lack of libido. And these condequences can leave you feeling weak and pitiful. Yet those pharmeceutical drugs won’t solve the problem in the long-run. And one or more research studies explains why: As your ( Male ) DHT Hormone DECREASES, science has shown that your ( Female ) ESTROGEN ( Estradiol-17 ) Hormone INCREASES.The reason for this is the following. An ENZYME called AROMATASE, converts the Male Hormone TESTOSTERONE ( T ) into the Female Hormone ESTROGEN.
*** In other words, your MALE HORMONE - TESTOSTERONE is converedeither into the MALE HORMONE - DHT or the FEMALE HORMONE ESTROGEN ( Estradiol - 17 ). *** Scientific studies showed proof that excess ESTROGEN ( Estradiol-17 ) stimulates tissue growth. It causes things in the body to grow. This includes boobs on a man's chest, excess fat on the waistline and growth in tissues in the prostate, making it become too large. What this really means is that in the long-run, when men take lots of DHT Blockers, you they likely to end up with the same Prostate symptoms as millions of other American men aged 45 or over. Therefore, way too much of ESTROGEN ( Estradiol-17 ) in your body causes your Prostate Gland to SWELL UP like a BALOON [ Scientific Reference 1 ].
Scientific research discovered by Robert et al and Hammarsten et al [ 2 ] has confirmed that ESTROGEN is actually a Growth Promoting( Female ) Hormone. In women it makes their breasts grow. However, in men, excess ESTROGEN causes all kinds of undesirable growths[ 3 ]. It causes men to have "Man Boobs" on their chests. It causes your body to store ugly bulging fat around the waist. It even robs you of your manhood, leaving you feeling tired, weak, overly emotional, maybe even depressed. And worst of all, it is excess ESTROGEN which causes men to get Enlarged Prostates, and then suffer from all ofthe various Prostate Enlargement problems and complications. Therefore, according to the maker of PROSTA CLEAR, the right Prostate Health Support Supplement must do the following:
1.) Provide the correct quantities and potencies of safe, natural, herbal based AROMATASE INHIBITORS that BLOCK the conversion of Male TESTOSTERONE into Female ESTROGEN in the men's bodies. So by DECREASING the amount of TESTOSTERONE being converted into ESTROGEN, your TESTOSTERONE Levels INCREASE, while your ESTROGEN Levels DECREASE. 2.) Support CLEANSING ( DETOXIFICATION ) of your LIVER, by cleaning out excess ESTROGEN ( where it is stored ) and then REMOVINGit from your body. This also helps to REDUCE your ESTROGEN levels. PROSTACLEAR works, because the ingredients it contains support both of these necessary and proven steps, using the purest and highest quality of powerful ingredients that are designed to do these very things.
READ this very informative and detailed BLOG ARTICLE to learn and understand all about PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT BPH New Scientific Research shows that a particular Female Hormone is responsible for Prostate Enlargement.
The inventor of PROSTA CLEAR shares the following personal story about his own father. This Product Review will include some excerpts, but not the entire presentation - which is very powerful and touching. If you are suffering from any of the various Prostate Enlargement symptoms ( read this BLOG ARTICLE on our website: Understanding Prostate Enlargement BPH ), then we encourage you to read the entire powerful and moving STORY PRESENTATION. Learn how the ingredients in this prostate support product - PROSTA CLEAR, provide the necessary relief from the many symptoms of Prostate Enlargement that thousands of men suffer from.
Men who are aged 40 to 50 years old, or more, who are struggling with the issues and problems of an Enlarged Prostate, including the FREQUENT URGE to Pee, need to read the entire STORY PRESENTATION. Official statistics show 45% of 50 year olds have an enlarged prostate and urinary problems.
Research shows that over 55% of men, age 60 years old and up are struggling with Prostate Enlargement problems. After all, prostate issues are growing in numbers year after year.
According to the maker of PROSTA CLEAR, it is NOT excess DHT ( a Male Hormone ) that causes the Prostate to Swell, become Inflammed and Grow to a large size. On the contrary, according to other research, it is the excess of various forms of ESTROGEN ( a Female Hormone ) that is found in the bodies of many men with Enlarged Prostates - that causes their Prostate Gland to Swell Up and Grow too big in size. The specific form of ESTROGEN that is causing these problems is shown to be ESTRADIOL-17.
According to the maker of PROSTA CLEAR, when you take DHT Blockers they can ( temporarily ) reduce the size of your prostate and provide temporary relief ( ranging from a few weeks, to maybe even a few months or years if you’re lucky ). These drugs lower your DHT - which is your most important androgenic hormone. They also destroy your most manly androgenic traits. This means that when you take these drug DHT Blockers, which can help to reduce the levels of DHT in your body, you also end up with reduced muscle mass, increased body-fat, lower energy and lack of libido. And these condequences can leave you feeling weak and pitiful. Yet those pharmeceutical drugs won’t solve the problem in the long-run. And one or more research studies explains why: As your ( Male ) DHT Hormone DECREASES, science has shown that your ( Female ) ESTROGEN ( Estradiol-17 ) Hormone INCREASES.The reason for this is the following. An ENZYME called AROMATASE, converts the Male Hormone TESTOSTERONE ( T ) into the Female Hormone ESTROGEN.
*** In other words, your MALE HORMONE - TESTOSTERONE is converedeither into the MALE HORMONE - DHT or the FEMALE HORMONE ESTROGEN ( Estradiol - 17 ). *** Scientific studies showed proof that excess ESTROGEN ( Estradiol-17 ) stimulates tissue growth. It causes things in the body to grow. This includes boobs on a man's chest, excess fat on the waistline and growth in tissues in the prostate, making it become too large. What this really means is that in the long-run, when men take lots of DHT Blockers, you they likely to end up with the same Prostate symptoms as millions of other American men aged 45 or over. Therefore, way too much of ESTROGEN ( Estradiol-17 ) in your body causes your Prostate Gland to SWELL UP like a BALOON [ Scientific Reference 1 ].
Scientific research discovered by Robert et al and Hammarsten et al [ 2 ] has confirmed that ESTROGEN is actually a Growth Promoting( Female ) Hormone. In women it makes their breasts grow. However, in men, excess ESTROGEN causes all kinds of undesirable growths[ 3 ]. It causes men to have "Man Boobs" on their chests. It causes your body to store ugly bulging fat around the waist. It even robs you of your manhood, leaving you feeling tired, weak, overly emotional, maybe even depressed. And worst of all, it is excess ESTROGEN which causes men to get Enlarged Prostates, and then suffer from all ofthe various Prostate Enlargement problems and complications. Therefore, according to the maker of PROSTA CLEAR, the right Prostate Health Support Supplement must do the following:
1.) Provide the correct quantities and potencies of safe, natural, herbal based AROMATASE INHIBITORS that BLOCK the conversion of Male TESTOSTERONE into Female ESTROGEN in the men's bodies. So by DECREASING the amount of TESTOSTERONE being converted into ESTROGEN, your TESTOSTERONE Levels INCREASE, while your ESTROGEN Levels DECREASE. 2.) Support CLEANSING ( DETOXIFICATION ) of your LIVER, by cleaning out excess ESTROGEN ( where it is stored ) and then REMOVINGit from your body. This also helps to REDUCE your ESTROGEN levels. PROSTACLEAR works, because the ingredients it contains support both of these necessary and proven steps, using the purest and highest quality of powerful ingredients that are designed to do these very things.
The Dangers of Estrogen Compounds in Foods and Plastic Containers
Today, the Testosterone levels of men and their prostate health are under attack like never. This is due to various dietary, lifestyle and environmental factors. For example, there is REFINED SUGAR in almost every processed food that we eat. It is added, because it is sweet and highly addictive. However, refined sugar is proven to lower your Testosterone Levels [ 6 ] while increasing your Estrogen levels.
Many popular processed foods are laced with SOY, because it is cheap ( vegetable ) protein from a plant. However, SOY is also proven to INCREASE your levels of Estrogen, and simultaneously reduce your Testosterone) [ 7 ].
Most of the favorite drinks, snacks and meals come in PLASTIC CONTAINERS. Scientific research shows that these plastics leach from those containers and bottles directly into the food and drinks they contain. These plastics are made with ESTROGEN-like COMPOUNDS,that also cause your ESTROGEN levels to skyrocket. And again, they cause your Testosterone levels to dramatically decrease. The reason is that these plastics act as XENO-ESTROGENS. This means that they imitate estrogen in your body. [ 8 ] All of these things are proven by science. Why do greedy multinational food companies include these toxic ingredients?
Every year, thousands and thousands of men are rushed to hospital emergency rooms from critical, life-threatening Prostate Enlargement problems, including BLADDER RETENTION. ( read this BLOG ARTICLE on our website: Understanding Prostate Enlargement BPH ). And in order to release the excruciating, devastating pain in the abdomens, groins and urinary tracts, from volumes of urine that has accumulated and becomes blocked up inside their BLADDERS, due to Prostate Enlargement - they often need to have a CATHETER DEVICE inserted into their URINARY TRACTS, through their MALE SEXUAL ORGAN. It usually requires a team of two nurses to insert this long rubber tube, which is usually about 12 to 16 inches in length ( the size of your forearm ) to insert. It takes about 30 to 40 seconds to do, during which there is usually some level of great pain experienced. Sometimes the men will actually scream from the pain they endure during those frightening moments.
Contrary to what the medical industry has led thousands of men to believe, their dangerous drugs and horrific surgeries are NOT the solution to your prostate problems. In fact, some of the world’s leading scientists have now proven that Big Pharma’s expensive pills and potentially dangerous procedures don’t even deal with the root cause of BPH. And so in the long-run they actually make it worse.
The real ROOT CAUSE of Prostate Enlargement and BPH is found in a recently discovered series of research studies realted to what can be called "HORMONAL IMBALANCE”. This "Hormonal Imbalance” is actually the exact opposite of what Big Pharma wants you to believe. But when you address this “Hormonal Imbalance”, you can achieve the following kinds of relief and improvement in your prostate health: • You will be able to urinate again without pain or discomfort • You will be able to sleep through the night without the need to constantly run to the bathroom several times during the night • You will recover your libido, sex-drive and performance • Your energy levels will increase and you will restore your self-confidence again • You will be able to live your life with freedom, exactly the way you want to, wthout constantly having to worry about where the nearest bathroom is. This safe, natural prostate health solution will work for you - regardless of your age. If you are 40 years old,, 50 years old,,or even more than 60 years or older, PROSTA CLEAR can and will work for you. And no matter how long you have had any of these various prostate problems - whether is has been weeks, months or even years, , PROSTACLEAR can and will work for you. New research from some of the world’s leading urologists have proven that the pharmaceutical drugs almost never work for anyone inthe long-run. And eventually they cause you even more harmful symptoms and problems than before you took them. Tamsulosin costs several thousand dollars a month, and can cause drowsiness, blood pressure issues and impaired sexual function. Alpha Blockers, suchas Alfusozin cost upwards of $3,000 a month, give many men headaches and can leave you dizzy, tired and nauseous. Thus, the evidence shows that those Big Pharma drugs can actually make your prostate health problems become worse.
Moreover, there is actually a low rate of success from surgeries to deal with Prostate problems. Worse, men can end up both IMPOTENT and INCONTINENT, and have to end up wearing ADULT DIAPERS for the rest of their lives. Furthermore, even if the surgery is consideredto be medically "successful" ( in resolving the Prostate Enlargement problems ), you could end up with emasculating side effects, such as “RETROGRADE EJACULATION". This mean that when you ejaculate, nothing comes out!
Many popular processed foods are laced with SOY, because it is cheap ( vegetable ) protein from a plant. However, SOY is also proven to INCREASE your levels of Estrogen, and simultaneously reduce your Testosterone) [ 7 ].
Most of the favorite drinks, snacks and meals come in PLASTIC CONTAINERS. Scientific research shows that these plastics leach from those containers and bottles directly into the food and drinks they contain. These plastics are made with ESTROGEN-like COMPOUNDS,that also cause your ESTROGEN levels to skyrocket. And again, they cause your Testosterone levels to dramatically decrease. The reason is that these plastics act as XENO-ESTROGENS. This means that they imitate estrogen in your body. [ 8 ] All of these things are proven by science. Why do greedy multinational food companies include these toxic ingredients?
Every year, thousands and thousands of men are rushed to hospital emergency rooms from critical, life-threatening Prostate Enlargement problems, including BLADDER RETENTION. ( read this BLOG ARTICLE on our website: Understanding Prostate Enlargement BPH ). And in order to release the excruciating, devastating pain in the abdomens, groins and urinary tracts, from volumes of urine that has accumulated and becomes blocked up inside their BLADDERS, due to Prostate Enlargement - they often need to have a CATHETER DEVICE inserted into their URINARY TRACTS, through their MALE SEXUAL ORGAN. It usually requires a team of two nurses to insert this long rubber tube, which is usually about 12 to 16 inches in length ( the size of your forearm ) to insert. It takes about 30 to 40 seconds to do, during which there is usually some level of great pain experienced. Sometimes the men will actually scream from the pain they endure during those frightening moments.
Contrary to what the medical industry has led thousands of men to believe, their dangerous drugs and horrific surgeries are NOT the solution to your prostate problems. In fact, some of the world’s leading scientists have now proven that Big Pharma’s expensive pills and potentially dangerous procedures don’t even deal with the root cause of BPH. And so in the long-run they actually make it worse.
The real ROOT CAUSE of Prostate Enlargement and BPH is found in a recently discovered series of research studies realted to what can be called "HORMONAL IMBALANCE”. This "Hormonal Imbalance” is actually the exact opposite of what Big Pharma wants you to believe. But when you address this “Hormonal Imbalance”, you can achieve the following kinds of relief and improvement in your prostate health: • You will be able to urinate again without pain or discomfort • You will be able to sleep through the night without the need to constantly run to the bathroom several times during the night • You will recover your libido, sex-drive and performance • Your energy levels will increase and you will restore your self-confidence again • You will be able to live your life with freedom, exactly the way you want to, wthout constantly having to worry about where the nearest bathroom is. This safe, natural prostate health solution will work for you - regardless of your age. If you are 40 years old,, 50 years old,,or even more than 60 years or older, PROSTA CLEAR can and will work for you. And no matter how long you have had any of these various prostate problems - whether is has been weeks, months or even years, , PROSTACLEAR can and will work for you. New research from some of the world’s leading urologists have proven that the pharmaceutical drugs almost never work for anyone inthe long-run. And eventually they cause you even more harmful symptoms and problems than before you took them. Tamsulosin costs several thousand dollars a month, and can cause drowsiness, blood pressure issues and impaired sexual function. Alpha Blockers, suchas Alfusozin cost upwards of $3,000 a month, give many men headaches and can leave you dizzy, tired and nauseous. Thus, the evidence shows that those Big Pharma drugs can actually make your prostate health problems become worse.
Moreover, there is actually a low rate of success from surgeries to deal with Prostate problems. Worse, men can end up both IMPOTENT and INCONTINENT, and have to end up wearing ADULT DIAPERS for the rest of their lives. Furthermore, even if the surgery is consideredto be medically "successful" ( in resolving the Prostate Enlargement problems ), you could end up with emasculating side effects, such as “RETROGRADE EJACULATION". This mean that when you ejaculate, nothing comes out!
DHT Blocking Drugs and Expensive Surgeries are not the Answer
Taking the DHT Blocking drugs which a doctor will usually prescribe, often results in a terrifying pattern. You might be given promises and hopes that things will work out well for you by taking these various combinations of drugs And within a few weeks, or perhaps a few months of taking them, you might actually notice some improvements in BPH ( Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ) symptoms. You might urinate a little less frequently during the day. You might sleep somewhat better at night, because of having fewer trips rusing to the bathroom to urinate. And the levels of pain and discomfort when urinating might also slowly start to decrease. So you might think that within a short period of time, all of your prostate problems will be resolved.
However, after several months of taking the DHT Blocking prostate medications, things could suddenly change. You might experience weight gain like never before, especially around the belly. You might start to noice "man boobs" on your chest. Your energy levels could also decrease. Moreover, your sex drive will often dramatically decrease. And these kinds of circumstances can cause much confusion. And the sad fact is that the underlying prostate enlargement problems and complications may still remain, or even become worse.
So sooner or later, your doctor might finally tell you that some kind of surgery is necessary. And you might become FRIGHTENED with all kinds of fears about what could go wrong. You could have NIGHTMARES wondering what could happen to you and your manhood. You could end up a broken man, one way or another, feeling hopeless and powerless, to resolve your inability to urinate normally, due to your Prostate Enlargement problems, which generally only increase, grow worse and intensify over time.The drugs and the various surgeries provide NO guarantees. And most likely, you will NEVER be the same man, physically, ever again, from going down those routes. You may end up in mental, psychological and emotional despair as a result. And yet, you may feel that there is NO hope for a natural, painless solution that restores your health, strength, vitality and manhood. But PROSTACLEAR is that natural, herbal solution.
However, after several months of taking the DHT Blocking prostate medications, things could suddenly change. You might experience weight gain like never before, especially around the belly. You might start to noice "man boobs" on your chest. Your energy levels could also decrease. Moreover, your sex drive will often dramatically decrease. And these kinds of circumstances can cause much confusion. And the sad fact is that the underlying prostate enlargement problems and complications may still remain, or even become worse.
So sooner or later, your doctor might finally tell you that some kind of surgery is necessary. And you might become FRIGHTENED with all kinds of fears about what could go wrong. You could have NIGHTMARES wondering what could happen to you and your manhood. You could end up a broken man, one way or another, feeling hopeless and powerless, to resolve your inability to urinate normally, due to your Prostate Enlargement problems, which generally only increase, grow worse and intensify over time.The drugs and the various surgeries provide NO guarantees. And most likely, you will NEVER be the same man, physically, ever again, from going down those routes. You may end up in mental, psychological and emotional despair as a result. And yet, you may feel that there is NO hope for a natural, painless solution that restores your health, strength, vitality and manhood. But PROSTACLEAR is that natural, herbal solution.
Benefits of Using
These are the benefits of Prosta Clear and what makes it unique:
PROSTA CLEAR will help to reduce the size of your prostate, giving you: • Easier flow when you pee - no more straining just to squeeze out a pathetic drop or two • Better sleep ( because you will no longer have to wake up during the night to pee ) • Stronger libido and performance • Improved quality of life - because you won’t have to plan everything with the constant need for a restroom to be nearby • More confidence, self-esteem and dignity
PROSTA CLEAR will help to reduce the size of your prostate, giving you: • Easier flow when you pee - no more straining just to squeeze out a pathetic drop or two • Better sleep ( because you will no longer have to wake up during the night to pee ) • Stronger libido and performance • Improved quality of life - because you won’t have to plan everything with the constant need for a restroom to be nearby • More confidence, self-esteem and dignity
What are the Ingredients? How Do they Work?
CHRYSIN - is a powerful Plant Extract, It is found in small amounts in herbs like Bee Propolis and Passion Flower. It is the most powerful natural Aromatase Inhibitor available [ Scientific Reference 9 ].
In fact, according to scientists at the Department of Cellular and Molecular Nutrition: “CHRYSIN is reported to have the highest aromatase inhibitory potency”. And, the National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute said that: “The results of this study suggest that dietary compounds, such as CHRYSIN CAN REDUCE ESTROGEN PRODUCTION.
CHRYSIN is a strong AROMATASE INHIBITOR in a subgroup of hytochemicals”. As you can see, CHRYSIN is an extremely valuable substance when it comes to REDUCING the CONVERSION of Testosterone into ESTROGEN [ 10 ]. And it has other important benefits as well. There is evidence to show that CHRYSIN can reduce inflammation [ 11 ], improve immunity [ 12 ] and boost both testosterone levels [ 13 ] and fertility[ 14 ].
INDOLE 3 CARBINOL ( I3C ) is a plant compound naturally found in small quantities in CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES, like Broccoli, Cabbage and Cauliflower [ 15 ]. It is an essential nutrient for reducing BPH, because it has been proven to speed up the BREAKDOWN of ESTROGENS in the LIVER [ 16 ].
This is very critical. The reason is because the less estrogen is broken down, the more it builds up andthe more feminine traits ( as well as prostate growth ) you have! Even better, I3C has also been shownto increase the excretion of Estrogen [ 17 ], getting it out of your body ASAP!
Has I3C actually been PROVEN to reduce prostate growth? The answer is a definite “YES!” As you know, there’s a conspiracy to blame DHT for BPH. And yet still there are numerous studies showing that taking I3C improves prostate health and reduces prostate growth, because it REDUCES ESTROGEN [ 18 ].
For instance, a study by the Wayne State University School of Medicine proved that I3C can significantly reduce prostate size. I3C is also known to balance hormone levels, detoxify the intestines and liver, and support the immune system [ 19 ]. EURYCOMA LONGIFOLIA - this is a herb from Southeast Asia that has been used by men for centuries. The main benefit of this plant is that it safely and naturally supports healthy Testosterone Levels [ 20 ]And pure, high quality Eurycoma Longifolia does this better than anything else available today. A studyof one month long in 76 older men with low testosterone was conducted.
It found that taking 200 mg of Eurycoma Longifolia extract per day, significantly increased levels of this hormone to normal values in over 90% of participants [ 21 ]. Men who take Eurycoma Longifolia also see improvement in their fertility [ 22 ], sexual performance [ 23 ], energy levels [ 24 ] and so much more. FENUGREEK EXTRACT - an Ancient Ayurvedic herb that’s been used in Eastern Medicine for thousandsof years. Fenugreek Extract PREVENTS ( BLOCKS ) the Enzyme Aromatase, ( which increases as you age ), from converting your Testosterone into Estrogen [ 25 ]. As a result, it prevents that excess Estrogen from causing your prostate to balloon up to the size of a Grapefruit.
RESVERATROL - is a powerful AntiOxidant commonly found in Red Wine. According to Dr. Sinclair from Harvard, Resveratrol increases Telomere Length and therefore may positively impact your Lifespan [ 26 ]. It has also been found to be a powerful AROMATASE INHIBITOR [ 27 ] which helps to LOWER your ESTROGEN LEVELS and get your Prostate Enlargement under control.
NETTLE ROOT - is one of the most popular herbs to reduce symptoms of BPH. One study monitored 246 patients suffering with BPH. They gave them Nettle Root Extract and found it effectively reduced the symptoms of BPH [28]. Another study took place over 6 months and included 558 men struggling with BPH [ 29 ]. These men were given Nettle Root and experienced remarkable benefits, including: Relief from lower urinary tract pain and discomfort - An increase in urinary flow rate - An increase in urine volume - A reduction in prostate size - And fewer trips to the bathroom ... because the men could now properly empty their bladders when they peed.
CISSUS QUADRANGULARIS - this is a plant that has been revered for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. It is proven to naturally lower your stress levels and increase your Testosterone. It also supports weight loss [ 30 ], strength and joint health [ 31 ].
In fact, according to scientists at the Department of Cellular and Molecular Nutrition: “CHRYSIN is reported to have the highest aromatase inhibitory potency”. And, the National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute said that: “The results of this study suggest that dietary compounds, such as CHRYSIN CAN REDUCE ESTROGEN PRODUCTION.
CHRYSIN is a strong AROMATASE INHIBITOR in a subgroup of hytochemicals”. As you can see, CHRYSIN is an extremely valuable substance when it comes to REDUCING the CONVERSION of Testosterone into ESTROGEN [ 10 ]. And it has other important benefits as well. There is evidence to show that CHRYSIN can reduce inflammation [ 11 ], improve immunity [ 12 ] and boost both testosterone levels [ 13 ] and fertility[ 14 ].
INDOLE 3 CARBINOL ( I3C ) is a plant compound naturally found in small quantities in CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES, like Broccoli, Cabbage and Cauliflower [ 15 ]. It is an essential nutrient for reducing BPH, because it has been proven to speed up the BREAKDOWN of ESTROGENS in the LIVER [ 16 ].
This is very critical. The reason is because the less estrogen is broken down, the more it builds up andthe more feminine traits ( as well as prostate growth ) you have! Even better, I3C has also been shownto increase the excretion of Estrogen [ 17 ], getting it out of your body ASAP!
Has I3C actually been PROVEN to reduce prostate growth? The answer is a definite “YES!” As you know, there’s a conspiracy to blame DHT for BPH. And yet still there are numerous studies showing that taking I3C improves prostate health and reduces prostate growth, because it REDUCES ESTROGEN [ 18 ].
For instance, a study by the Wayne State University School of Medicine proved that I3C can significantly reduce prostate size. I3C is also known to balance hormone levels, detoxify the intestines and liver, and support the immune system [ 19 ]. EURYCOMA LONGIFOLIA - this is a herb from Southeast Asia that has been used by men for centuries. The main benefit of this plant is that it safely and naturally supports healthy Testosterone Levels [ 20 ]And pure, high quality Eurycoma Longifolia does this better than anything else available today. A studyof one month long in 76 older men with low testosterone was conducted.
It found that taking 200 mg of Eurycoma Longifolia extract per day, significantly increased levels of this hormone to normal values in over 90% of participants [ 21 ]. Men who take Eurycoma Longifolia also see improvement in their fertility [ 22 ], sexual performance [ 23 ], energy levels [ 24 ] and so much more. FENUGREEK EXTRACT - an Ancient Ayurvedic herb that’s been used in Eastern Medicine for thousandsof years. Fenugreek Extract PREVENTS ( BLOCKS ) the Enzyme Aromatase, ( which increases as you age ), from converting your Testosterone into Estrogen [ 25 ]. As a result, it prevents that excess Estrogen from causing your prostate to balloon up to the size of a Grapefruit.
RESVERATROL - is a powerful AntiOxidant commonly found in Red Wine. According to Dr. Sinclair from Harvard, Resveratrol increases Telomere Length and therefore may positively impact your Lifespan [ 26 ]. It has also been found to be a powerful AROMATASE INHIBITOR [ 27 ] which helps to LOWER your ESTROGEN LEVELS and get your Prostate Enlargement under control.
NETTLE ROOT - is one of the most popular herbs to reduce symptoms of BPH. One study monitored 246 patients suffering with BPH. They gave them Nettle Root Extract and found it effectively reduced the symptoms of BPH [28]. Another study took place over 6 months and included 558 men struggling with BPH [ 29 ]. These men were given Nettle Root and experienced remarkable benefits, including: Relief from lower urinary tract pain and discomfort - An increase in urinary flow rate - An increase in urine volume - A reduction in prostate size - And fewer trips to the bathroom ... because the men could now properly empty their bladders when they peed.
CISSUS QUADRANGULARIS - this is a plant that has been revered for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. It is proven to naturally lower your stress levels and increase your Testosterone. It also supports weight loss [ 30 ], strength and joint health [ 31 ].
ORDER OPTIONS - Choose 1 , 3 or 6 Bottles
What is the Shipping Cost for an Order of PROSTACLEAR?
ALL orders shipped in the USA include FREE SHIPPING.All orders shipped OUTSIDE of the USA will have a shipping cost of $19.95.
Check the OFFICIAL WEBSITE for more details.
Check the OFFICIAL WEBSITE for more details.
Is there a Money-Back Guarantee?
YES, there is a 180-Day Money-Back Guarantee. The manufacturer states that they are so confident that PROSTA CLEAR is going to change your life, helping you support a healthy prostate, allowing you to pee freely and easily. And help you look and feel better than you have in DECADES. I’m not just going to just promise these results… that they are going to protect your order with …
A 180-days NO-Questions Money Back Guarantee. You can test run ProstaClear for 180 days. And if you aren’t absolutely blown away by your results for any reason whatsoever …" Then they will refund every cent – NO-Question Asked.
A 180-days NO-Questions Money Back Guarantee. You can test run ProstaClear for 180 days. And if you aren’t absolutely blown away by your results for any reason whatsoever …" Then they will refund every cent – NO-Question Asked.
How Do I Use the Prosta Clear Capsules?
How Do I Use the PROSTA CLEAR Prostate Supplement Capsules?
It is recommended that you take Two ( 2 ), easy to swallow Capsules, One ( 1 ) Time per Day, at Nght with water. Do this Every Day for EIGHT ( 8 ) WEEKS. Then Discontinue for a period of FOUR ( 4 ) WEEKS before resuming to use again.
According to the manufacturer, the longer you take ProstaClear.. the better your results. They state that it usually takes 60 to 90 days to see optimal results, to make sure your prostate is optimized, healthy and stays that way, they recommend taking it for at least 180-days.
According to the manufacturer, the longer you take ProstaClear.. the better your results. They state that it usually takes 60 to 90 days to see optimal results, to make sure your prostate is optimized, healthy and stays that way, they recommend taking it for at least 180-days.
Are There Any Side Effects?
Are there any SIDE EFFECTS from using the PROSTA CLEAR Prostate Supplement?
There is nothing on the OFFICIAL WEBSITE of the manufacturer that indicates that there are any known side effects from men who have been using the PROSTA CLEAR prostate product. However, there is a warning on the product bottle label to consult with a licensed physician before using. Do NOT use this product if you have Prostate Hypertropy, Liver Diease, Kidney Disease or Heart Disease.
According to the manufacturer, PROSTACLEAR ha already helped over 53,764 men, between in their 40s, 50s and older, to safely and naturally reverse their prostate enlargement and provide relief from the many symptoms and problems they were suffering from.
According to the manufacturer, PROSTACLEAR ha already helped over 53,764 men, between in their 40s, 50s and older, to safely and naturally reverse their prostate enlargement and provide relief from the many symptoms and problems they were suffering from.
Are There Any Research Studies?
Are there any Scientific Research that Support the Use of the Ingredients?
YES, see the List of Scientific Research Studies below. There are also various other Clinical Studies and Research Studiesmentioned earlier throughout this Product Review referred to by the maker of PROSTA CLEAR.
YES, see the List of Scientific Research Studies below. There are also various other Clinical Studies and Research Studiesmentioned earlier throughout this Product Review referred to by the maker of PROSTA CLEAR.
What are the PROs and CONS of the PROSTA CLEAR Prostate Health Support Supplement?
PROs - Positives
CONS - Negatives
PROs - Positives
- Formulation is 100% Natural with Herbal and Botanical Ingredients
- Does NOT Use Synthetic or Artificial Ingredients
- Does NOT Contain Stimulants or Toxins
- Safe, Natural, Pure and Effective Supplement for Swollen / Inflamed Prostate and Prostate Enlargement ( BPH )
- Provides Vitamins, Minerals and Nutrients which help Nourish, Strengthen and Support Healthy Prostate Function
- Easy To Use - Just Take Two ( 2 ) Capsules per Day
- Lots of Helpful Testimonies and Positive Reviews from Satisfied Customers
- Supported by Scientific Research Studies and / or Clinical Trials
- Proven, Effective Treatment that Really Works
- Offers Discounts for Multiple Bottle Order Packages
- Offers FREE SHIPPING for all orders shipped in the USA
- Offers an astounding 180-Day Money Back Guarantee
CONS - Negatives
- NOT available in local stores
- Available only Online at the OFFICIAL WEBSITE