Review: What is Kidney Health Formula? Does It Work?
Do you Suffer from any Kidney health issues? Do you have ( severe ) pain in your abdomen or groin areas?Is it causing you to lose valuable sleep at night? Maybe you have Kidney Stones or Bladder Stones?
Your KIDNEYS function to FILTER both BLOOD and WATER in the body, cleansing and removing toxins, wastes and pathogens. Then they flush out the harmful toxins, waste products from metabolism, urine and other things from your body through the Urinary Tract System. Keeping your KIDNEYS working in optimal condtion and health is a critical and important function to keep all the organs and systems of your body functioning healthy and properly. You have Two ( 2 ) KIDNEYS. The KIDNEY on your LEFT side of the abdomen is located Higher up and Smaller than the KIDNEY on your RIGHT side of the abdomen. The reason for this is that it is below the location where your Heart, Liver and Gall Bladder are situated on the LEFT side of your body. It is reported that KIDNEY STONES affect 11% of men and 9% of women. And chronic kidney issues (CKD) are rapidly becoming a worldwide health concern. Over 13% of the world’s population is battling chronic kidney problems.
Your KIDNEYS serve a variety of critical functions in your body. They manage and regulate water hydration levels. They monitor nutrient and mineral concentrations, filter and remove harmful waste products and toxins, and keep our blood cleansed.
Abnormally high levels of PROTEIN in your BLOOD can adversely affect your entire health. In the same way, erratic, unstable and high levels of SUGAR in your BLOOD can also cause various significant and / or critical health problems and complications.
Uric acid forms Urine as a result of cellular metabolism in the body from hundreds and hundreds of actions in your body every day.This fluid empties out from your KIDNEYS and then flows downward through your Two ( 2 ) Ureters into the Urinary Tract System. From the Ureters, the Urine flows into your BLADDER, which works like a storage tank. There it is held, until your body is ready automatically to flush it out through normal Urination. Your BLADDER is a Muscle. When functioning properly and in a healthy way, at the proper times and in the proper amounts, it squeezes and pushes the Urine out, that it holds inside. This usually happens when about 10 ounces of fluid accumulates inside your BLADDER. That urine, containing toxins, pathogens and waste products from metabolism, that were filtered by your Two ( 2 ) KIDNEYS, from out of your blood and water - then flows Downward through your One ( 1 ) Urethra tube into your Lower Urinary Tract System ( LUTS ). For Men only, the Urine must also pass through their PROSTATE ( which is both a Muscle and a Gland ), which is located just below the Bladder. So for Men only, Prostate problems can also affect the Kidneys, Bladder and entire Urinary Tract System.
If your functioning of your KIDNEYS is impaired, restricted, reduced or worse - obstructed by KIDNEY STONES, or if your BLADDER functioning is likewise impaired, restricted, reduced or obstructed by BLADDER STONES, it will cause various significant problems in your entire Urinary Tract System. Moreover, it will also negatively, and adversely affect some or all of the other organs, systems, tissues and functions of your whole body.
KIDNEY STONES and BLADDER STONES can be small, medium or large in size. They can cause a lot of excruciating pain inside your abdoment, gut, pelvis, and throughout your entire Urinary Tract System. that on-going pain, as well as reduce functioning of your KIDNEYS, can make it very hard to concentrate, think and focus during the day, or sleep soundly at night. It may also make you feel weak or tired. You may get puffy eyes, swollen ankles/feet, muscle cramping, or itchy skin. And you might have blood in the urine, foamy urine, or urinating more often, especially at night.
So it is critical to maintain healthy functioning of your KIDNEYS and your BLADDER. Inflammation and Oxidative Stress ( caused by Free Radicals ) in the cells of your KIDNEYS can cause them to malfunction, or work at reduced capacity. This in turn affects their ability to Fliter and Cleanse both your circulating blood, as well as water used throughout your entire body.
The KIDNEY HEALTH FORMULA supplement, by Pure Health Research, can help support your body to improve the functioning of your KIDNEYS and restore them to optimal health condition. This ALL-Natural product can also help to break down, soften and remove KIDNEY STONES, that are causing blockage and pain inside your body, and then flush them out.
Your KIDNEYS function to FILTER both BLOOD and WATER in the body, cleansing and removing toxins, wastes and pathogens. Then they flush out the harmful toxins, waste products from metabolism, urine and other things from your body through the Urinary Tract System. Keeping your KIDNEYS working in optimal condtion and health is a critical and important function to keep all the organs and systems of your body functioning healthy and properly. You have Two ( 2 ) KIDNEYS. The KIDNEY on your LEFT side of the abdomen is located Higher up and Smaller than the KIDNEY on your RIGHT side of the abdomen. The reason for this is that it is below the location where your Heart, Liver and Gall Bladder are situated on the LEFT side of your body. It is reported that KIDNEY STONES affect 11% of men and 9% of women. And chronic kidney issues (CKD) are rapidly becoming a worldwide health concern. Over 13% of the world’s population is battling chronic kidney problems.
Your KIDNEYS serve a variety of critical functions in your body. They manage and regulate water hydration levels. They monitor nutrient and mineral concentrations, filter and remove harmful waste products and toxins, and keep our blood cleansed.
Abnormally high levels of PROTEIN in your BLOOD can adversely affect your entire health. In the same way, erratic, unstable and high levels of SUGAR in your BLOOD can also cause various significant and / or critical health problems and complications.
Uric acid forms Urine as a result of cellular metabolism in the body from hundreds and hundreds of actions in your body every day.This fluid empties out from your KIDNEYS and then flows downward through your Two ( 2 ) Ureters into the Urinary Tract System. From the Ureters, the Urine flows into your BLADDER, which works like a storage tank. There it is held, until your body is ready automatically to flush it out through normal Urination. Your BLADDER is a Muscle. When functioning properly and in a healthy way, at the proper times and in the proper amounts, it squeezes and pushes the Urine out, that it holds inside. This usually happens when about 10 ounces of fluid accumulates inside your BLADDER. That urine, containing toxins, pathogens and waste products from metabolism, that were filtered by your Two ( 2 ) KIDNEYS, from out of your blood and water - then flows Downward through your One ( 1 ) Urethra tube into your Lower Urinary Tract System ( LUTS ). For Men only, the Urine must also pass through their PROSTATE ( which is both a Muscle and a Gland ), which is located just below the Bladder. So for Men only, Prostate problems can also affect the Kidneys, Bladder and entire Urinary Tract System.
If your functioning of your KIDNEYS is impaired, restricted, reduced or worse - obstructed by KIDNEY STONES, or if your BLADDER functioning is likewise impaired, restricted, reduced or obstructed by BLADDER STONES, it will cause various significant problems in your entire Urinary Tract System. Moreover, it will also negatively, and adversely affect some or all of the other organs, systems, tissues and functions of your whole body.
KIDNEY STONES and BLADDER STONES can be small, medium or large in size. They can cause a lot of excruciating pain inside your abdoment, gut, pelvis, and throughout your entire Urinary Tract System. that on-going pain, as well as reduce functioning of your KIDNEYS, can make it very hard to concentrate, think and focus during the day, or sleep soundly at night. It may also make you feel weak or tired. You may get puffy eyes, swollen ankles/feet, muscle cramping, or itchy skin. And you might have blood in the urine, foamy urine, or urinating more often, especially at night.
So it is critical to maintain healthy functioning of your KIDNEYS and your BLADDER. Inflammation and Oxidative Stress ( caused by Free Radicals ) in the cells of your KIDNEYS can cause them to malfunction, or work at reduced capacity. This in turn affects their ability to Fliter and Cleanse both your circulating blood, as well as water used throughout your entire body.
The KIDNEY HEALTH FORMULA supplement, by Pure Health Research, can help support your body to improve the functioning of your KIDNEYS and restore them to optimal health condition. This ALL-Natural product can also help to break down, soften and remove KIDNEY STONES, that are causing blockage and pain inside your body, and then flush them out.
Benefits of Using
Every ingredient in this Doctor-Approved KIDNEY HEALTH FORMULA is scientifically proven in research and clinical studies to help provide a meaningful improvement in your Kidneys health functioning.
The KIDNEYR HEALTH FORMULA is intended to provide these benefits:
The KIDNEYR HEALTH FORMULA is intended to provide these benefits:
What are the BENEFITS of Using the KIDNEY HEALTH FORMULA ( by Pure Health Research ) Support Capsules?
- LOWER and MINIMIZE Oxidative Stress
- REDUCE Kidney structure Inflammation
- PROMOTE better Kidney blood flow
- LOWER protein concentration in the urine
- INHIBIT Kidney Stone formation
- LOWER the number of existing Kidney Stones
- MAINTAIN stable blood force
- ENHANCE healthy Kidney cell repair
- LOWER calcification within the kidneys
- DECREASE the presence of blood in the urine
- NORMALIZE urinary uric acid concentration
- STRENGTHEN Blood Vessels
What are the Ingredients? How do they Work?
What are the INGREDIENTS in the KIDNEY HEALTH FORMULA Kidney Support and Cleanse Product?
This formulation contains a powerful combination of 8 All-Natural INGREDIENTS, consisting of one ( 1 ) important VITAMIN and ine ( 1 ) important MINERAL. These are then added to the potent nutrients which are packed in the ALL-NATURAL HERBAL BLEND:
VITAMIN B6 ( as Pyridoxine HCL ), MAGNESIUM ( as Magnesium Oxide )
NOTE: CHANCA PIEDRA in the ingredients suggests that the primary function of this health supplement is to help loosen and remove Kidney Stones and Prevent further calcification of Kidney Stones in the entire Urinary Tract.
Why Choose Kidney Health Formula to Help with Your Kidney Support Health Concerns? This formulation is made in the USA, in an FDA-Approved Facility, that complies with the standards of current Good Manufacturing Practices ( cGMP ). The product is made using ingredients which are sourced globally, that are Non-GMO and 100% Safe and Natural. KIDNEY HEALTH FORMULA by PureHealth Research is made using high quality natural ingredients. Every batch of productis tested for purity and potency of ingredients.
NOTE: CHANCA PIEDRA in the ingredients suggests that the primary function of this health supplement is to help loosen and remove Kidney Stones and Prevent further calcification of Kidney Stones in the entire Urinary Tract.
Why Choose Kidney Health Formula to Help with Your Kidney Support Health Concerns? This formulation is made in the USA, in an FDA-Approved Facility, that complies with the standards of current Good Manufacturing Practices ( cGMP ). The product is made using ingredients which are sourced globally, that are Non-GMO and 100% Safe and Natural. KIDNEY HEALTH FORMULA by PureHealth Research is made using high quality natural ingredients. Every batch of productis tested for purity and potency of ingredients.
VITAMIN B6 - can be used to lower Oxalate Deposits in the urine, which is one of the most common cause of KIDNEY STONES in people. In a study of 95 patients, who had increased levels of Oxalatein their urine, they treated them with a combination of dietary counseling and Vitamin B6. 75% of the patients showed a remarkable decrease in urinary oxalate excretion. Meanwhile, 39% of the patients had a decrease from high urine oxalate levels to a normal range of urine oxalate.
MAGNESIUM - is an important Trace Mineral in multitudes of actions of metabolism in the body. Supplementation with this mineral has been shown to provide an improved survival rate among people with Chronic Kidney Conditions (CKD) and End-Stage Renal Disease patients. Thus, increasing levels of this critical mineral helps delay deterioration and impairment of Kidney functioning. It has been shown that people who have kidney problems have increased difficulty flushing Magnesium. So the type and dosage of this important mineral are critical to retaining overall kidney health balance. Magnesium oxide protects against the hardening of arteries, which in turn then reduces the flow of blood to the kidneys.This causes further damage to the kidneys and their ability to function properly.Magnesium Oxide provides a better positive effect on the kidneys than other forms.
GRAPE SEED EXTRACT ( GSE ) - clinical research trials have shown that this ingredient is a complex mixture, that contains compounds which help protect many organs in the body. In a 6-Month study, 23 patients with Chronic Kidney Ailments ( Stages 2 to 4 ) were given Grape Seed Extract, along with their usual medication. This GSE herb showed positive health benefits on Kidney function and Anti-Oxidant status. At the same time, it also lowered protein levels in the urine.
CHANCA PIEDRA ( PHYLLANTHUS NIRURI ) - this botanical ingredient is often known as the "STONEBREAKER", because of its ability to inhibit the formation of KIDNEY STONES, that are caused by Oxalate and Calcium Deposits. Chanca Piedra contains a substance caled TRITERPENES, which help normalize their concentrations, significantly reducing the likelihood of problematic stones. This helps make KIDNEY STONES smoother and more fragile. In 12 week study, 56 patients who had Kidney Stones were given tea enhanced with Chanca Piedra Extract. The result was that Uric Acid and Oxalate levels were significantly brought to normal levels. Meanwhile, this treatment also helped to reduce the number of Kidney Stones in 67.8% of the patients.
BERBERINE HCL - this powerful herb, helps to Reduce Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Inflammation, and Oxidative Stress. It also helps to improve markers in the Heart. Each of these benefits support improved Kidney functions. Studies also show that Berberine significantly improves the markers of Kidney damage and Renal blood flow, while it protects against Toxicity. In a 24-month-long study, 69 hypertensive patients with Type 2 Diabetes Blood Sugar Disorders received a dose of Berberine along with their usual medication. After treatment, patients in the Berberine group showed significant decreases in Renal damage markers and improved Renal blood flow, Inflammation, and Oxidative Stress.
SAFFRON FLOWER EXTRACT - the ingredient is effective in managing blood fats and high blood pressure. A total of 25 pre-clinical studies reported protective effects on the Kidneys from Saffron against Kidney-Toxic drugs and Toxins versus those in the study trial control group. But perhaps the most important health benefit of taking Saffron is its ability to help improve Blood Force through the Veins and Arteries. In a study of 80 patients with Disordered Blood Sugar, researchers saw the powerful effect of using Saffron on Systolic Numbers, while both Kidney and Liver functions were tested. After 12 weeks of daily supplementation using Saffron Powder, there was a significant change was observed in thses Systolic Numbers. In a systematic review of the impact of using Saffron to help with Blood Force numbers in adults, findings in studies revealed that supplementation with Saffron has a small, but significant effect, on improving Systolic blood.
TURMERIC ROOT EXTRACT - the primary active ingredient in this household spice is CURCUMIN. This substance can moderate various body substances positively, helping to lower Inflammation and Oxidative Stress. In one study of 40 patients who had impaired Kidney functioning, that was caused by Type 2 Diabetes Blood Sugar issues, the effects of supplementation with Turmeric on the amount of protein excreted in the urine was significantly decreased. Another clinical trial studied the effect of Curcumin supplementation on patients suffering from AutoImmune responses affecting the Kidneys. In a study of 24 patients for 3 months a dose of Turmeric Root was given. Researchers saw a significant reduction in protein in the urine protein, systolic blood pressure, and Hematuria ( Blood in Urine) when compared to a trial group.
BIOPERINE ( BLACK PEPPER FRIUOT EXTRACT ) - is a common household spice in the kitchen. It has the interesting ability to greatly increase the absorption of Turmeric ( Curcumin )! This then significantly increases the powerful impact that the ingredient Turmeric ( Curcumin ) has on helping to improve the health of your Kidneys.
MAGNESIUM - is an important Trace Mineral in multitudes of actions of metabolism in the body. Supplementation with this mineral has been shown to provide an improved survival rate among people with Chronic Kidney Conditions (CKD) and End-Stage Renal Disease patients. Thus, increasing levels of this critical mineral helps delay deterioration and impairment of Kidney functioning. It has been shown that people who have kidney problems have increased difficulty flushing Magnesium. So the type and dosage of this important mineral are critical to retaining overall kidney health balance. Magnesium oxide protects against the hardening of arteries, which in turn then reduces the flow of blood to the kidneys.This causes further damage to the kidneys and their ability to function properly.Magnesium Oxide provides a better positive effect on the kidneys than other forms.
GRAPE SEED EXTRACT ( GSE ) - clinical research trials have shown that this ingredient is a complex mixture, that contains compounds which help protect many organs in the body. In a 6-Month study, 23 patients with Chronic Kidney Ailments ( Stages 2 to 4 ) were given Grape Seed Extract, along with their usual medication. This GSE herb showed positive health benefits on Kidney function and Anti-Oxidant status. At the same time, it also lowered protein levels in the urine.
CHANCA PIEDRA ( PHYLLANTHUS NIRURI ) - this botanical ingredient is often known as the "STONEBREAKER", because of its ability to inhibit the formation of KIDNEY STONES, that are caused by Oxalate and Calcium Deposits. Chanca Piedra contains a substance caled TRITERPENES, which help normalize their concentrations, significantly reducing the likelihood of problematic stones. This helps make KIDNEY STONES smoother and more fragile. In 12 week study, 56 patients who had Kidney Stones were given tea enhanced with Chanca Piedra Extract. The result was that Uric Acid and Oxalate levels were significantly brought to normal levels. Meanwhile, this treatment also helped to reduce the number of Kidney Stones in 67.8% of the patients.
BERBERINE HCL - this powerful herb, helps to Reduce Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Inflammation, and Oxidative Stress. It also helps to improve markers in the Heart. Each of these benefits support improved Kidney functions. Studies also show that Berberine significantly improves the markers of Kidney damage and Renal blood flow, while it protects against Toxicity. In a 24-month-long study, 69 hypertensive patients with Type 2 Diabetes Blood Sugar Disorders received a dose of Berberine along with their usual medication. After treatment, patients in the Berberine group showed significant decreases in Renal damage markers and improved Renal blood flow, Inflammation, and Oxidative Stress.
SAFFRON FLOWER EXTRACT - the ingredient is effective in managing blood fats and high blood pressure. A total of 25 pre-clinical studies reported protective effects on the Kidneys from Saffron against Kidney-Toxic drugs and Toxins versus those in the study trial control group. But perhaps the most important health benefit of taking Saffron is its ability to help improve Blood Force through the Veins and Arteries. In a study of 80 patients with Disordered Blood Sugar, researchers saw the powerful effect of using Saffron on Systolic Numbers, while both Kidney and Liver functions were tested. After 12 weeks of daily supplementation using Saffron Powder, there was a significant change was observed in thses Systolic Numbers. In a systematic review of the impact of using Saffron to help with Blood Force numbers in adults, findings in studies revealed that supplementation with Saffron has a small, but significant effect, on improving Systolic blood.
TURMERIC ROOT EXTRACT - the primary active ingredient in this household spice is CURCUMIN. This substance can moderate various body substances positively, helping to lower Inflammation and Oxidative Stress. In one study of 40 patients who had impaired Kidney functioning, that was caused by Type 2 Diabetes Blood Sugar issues, the effects of supplementation with Turmeric on the amount of protein excreted in the urine was significantly decreased. Another clinical trial studied the effect of Curcumin supplementation on patients suffering from AutoImmune responses affecting the Kidneys. In a study of 24 patients for 3 months a dose of Turmeric Root was given. Researchers saw a significant reduction in protein in the urine protein, systolic blood pressure, and Hematuria ( Blood in Urine) when compared to a trial group.
BIOPERINE ( BLACK PEPPER FRIUOT EXTRACT ) - is a common household spice in the kitchen. It has the interesting ability to greatly increase the absorption of Turmeric ( Curcumin )! This then significantly increases the powerful impact that the ingredient Turmeric ( Curcumin ) has on helping to improve the health of your Kidneys.
How Do the Ingredients in Kidney Health Formula Work?
ORDER OPTIONS - Choose 1 , 3 or 6 Bottles
What is the Shipping Cost for an Order of KIDNEY HEALTH FORMULA?
Orders shipped in the USA include FREE SHIPPING for ALL orders. Orders shipped OUTSIDE of the USA will have a Shipping cost. There is the convenience of both a One-Time Payment Purchase Option AND also Subscribe And Save Purchase Option ( that provides 10% Discounts Per Bottle ). Check the OFFICIAL ORDERING PAGE for more details.
Orders shipped in the USA include FREE SHIPPING for ALL orders. Orders shipped OUTSIDE of the USA will have a Shipping cost. There is the convenience of both a One-Time Payment Purchase Option AND also Subscribe And Save Purchase Option ( that provides 10% Discounts Per Bottle ). Check the OFFICIAL ORDERING PAGE for more details.
One-Time Purchase
Subscribe and Save 10%
Is there a Money-Back Guarantee?
YES, there is a very generous 365-Day ( One Year ) Money-Back Guarantee. According to PureHealth Research on the
OFFICIAL WEBSITE, they state that you can enjoy a FULL YEAR to try Blood Sugar Formula and experience the results for yourself.
And if you are not 100% SATISFIED – simply let them know and they will gladly refund your money – guaranteed. And with
NO Questions Asked. We have checked into this and found out that this is indeed a solid 100% guarantee.
PureHealth Research also states: Don’t forget you have your 365-Day Love It or Your Money Back Guarantee!
If it’s not for you, just let us know within 12 months, and you’ll get your money back. That’s our promise to you.
Pure Health Research also offers this incredible return or exchange policy, unheard for vitamins and dietary supplements:
"PureHealth Research wants you to be completely satisfied with your experience so we have made returning or exchanging
products easy. You are backed by a 1-Year Money Back Guarantee and a 1-Year Exchange Guarantee."
But you won't Know how well it works for You until you Try it. The only way that you can be fully convinced that it works for you,
is to try the amazing product and experience the results you get for yourself.
How Do I Use the Kidney Health Formula Capsules?
As a dietary supplement, it is recommended that you take Two ( 2 ) Capsules every day. For best results, take 20 to 30 minutes before a meal, with Eight ( 8 ) oz of water, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Each person's body responds differently to using the product. So results vary by person. It takes time to see improvement. To help you reach your goals and get the best results, they recommend that you continue using the supplement for optimum results.
Generally, it takes about Three ( 3 ) or more months for people using herbal supplements to see good results. But some people can notice improvements and benefits much sooner. Sometimes people experience success in just a few weeks or even in just a few days. The Kidney Health Formula product by PureHealth Research can be ordered on a monthly basis. However, it is recommended that you order a 3 or 6 bottle package, OR the Subscribe And Save Option - because there are discounts for these ordering options.
Each person's body responds differently to using the product. So results vary by person. It takes time to see improvement. To help you reach your goals and get the best results, they recommend that you continue using the supplement for optimum results.
Generally, it takes about Three ( 3 ) or more months for people using herbal supplements to see good results. But some people can notice improvements and benefits much sooner. Sometimes people experience success in just a few weeks or even in just a few days. The Kidney Health Formula product by PureHealth Research can be ordered on a monthly basis. However, it is recommended that you order a 3 or 6 bottle package, OR the Subscribe And Save Option - because there are discounts for these ordering options.
Are there any Side Effects?
Are there any SIDE EFFECTS from using the KIDNEY HEALTH FORMULA Kidney Cleanse and Support Product?
There is nothing that indicates that there are any known side effects from people who have been using this kidneys support product. The maker states on their OFFICIAL WEBSITE that the premium natural ingredients in their formula have been used in studies with no reported side effects and were well tolerated. Additionally they state that they have no reported side effects.
This supplement is made using only natural ingredients, carefully selected for their potential benefits. Also, the manufacturer says that each ingredient contained in it has been scientifically studied and shown to safely deliver positive results and improve the conditions concerning its use.
This supplement is safe, effective, pure and easy-to-use. It is made from 100% All-Natural herbal ingredients. Every bottle of product is manufactured in the USA. So you can have peace of mind, assurance and confidence when using their formula.
This supplement is made using only natural ingredients, carefully selected for their potential benefits. Also, the manufacturer says that each ingredient contained in it has been scientifically studied and shown to safely deliver positive results and improve the conditions concerning its use.
This supplement is safe, effective, pure and easy-to-use. It is made from 100% All-Natural herbal ingredients. Every bottle of product is manufactured in the USA. So you can have peace of mind, assurance and confidence when using their formula.
Are there any Testimonies from Customers?
YES, according to the manufacturer, on the OFFICIAL WEBSITE, there are a few PRODUCT REVIEWS and SUCCESS STORIES from satisfied customers. This product seems to work. Given the great success and positive feedback of many of their other ALL-Natural health supplements, we expected to see many more testimonies. For example, in comparison, some of their other products have hundreds or even thousands of product reviews. Perhaps given more time and more customers, we will see more good reviews.
Are there any Research Studies?
Have there been any Research Studies that Support the Use of the Ingredients Used in this Supplement?
YES, according to the manufacturer, there have been so many research studies related to the ingredients used in their KIDNEY HEALTH FORMULA. Below we have provided the MAIN LINK for these, which also includes certain basic studies on each of the ingredients used in this Kidney Health Supplement, before the List which appears below.
We have seen and looked at other similar Kidney Health Cleanse and Restore products in the past, which contain the same kinds of specific ingredients that are used in this product - that are also primarily focused toward breaking-up, dissolving and removing Kidney Stones and Bladder Stones from your Urinary Tract. Thus we conclude that the ingredients are safe, effective and clinically proven to work as the manufacturer has stated.
We have seen and looked at other similar Kidney Health Cleanse and Restore products in the past, which contain the same kinds of specific ingredients that are used in this product - that are also primarily focused toward breaking-up, dissolving and removing Kidney Stones and Bladder Stones from your Urinary Tract. Thus we conclude that the ingredients are safe, effective and clinically proven to work as the manufacturer has stated.
- Quench: Beat Fatigue, Drop Weight, And Heal Your Body Through The New Science Of Optimum Hydration, Dana Cohen, MD; Gina Bria; Introduction and Chapter 1
- Toxic Superfoods, Sally K. Norton
PROs and CONs
What are the PROs and CONS of the KIDNEY HEALTH FORMULA Cleanse and Restore Kidney Support Supplement?
PROs - Positives
CONS - Negatives
PROs - Positives
- Formulation is 100% Natural with Herbal and Botanical Ingredients
- Does NOT Use Synthetic or Artificial Ingredients
- Does NOT Contain Stimulants or Toxins
- Safe, Natural, Pure and Effective Supplement for Kidney Health Functions and Support
- Provides Vitamins, Minerals and Nutrients which help Nourish, Support and Protect Your Health
- Easy To Use - Just Take Two ( 2 ) Capsules per Day
- Some Helpful Testimonies and Positive Reviews from Satisfied Customers
- Supported by Numerous Scientific Research Studies and / or Clinical Trials
- Proven, Effective Treatment that Really Works
- Offers Discounts for Multiple Bottle Order Packages
- Offers Subscribe And Save Order Packages ( 10% Discount )
- Offers FREE SHIPPING for All Orders shipped in the USA
- Offers a 365-Day ( FULL YEAR ) Money Back Guarantee
CONS - Negatives
- NOT available in local stores
- Available only Online at the OFFICIAL WEBSITE
- This product appears to be intended mainly to help break-up, dissolve and remove Kidney ( and possibly Bladder ) Stones from your Urinary Tract ( UT ) System. If you are wanting or needing a more overall, yet comprehensive Kidneys Clease and Restore product, there are other supplements, which usually contain about 20 to 22 different ingredients, which are intended for such purposes. We hope to be add and provide Product Reviews of several such products as these in the near future.
We rate this product 4.5 out of 5.0 Stars - based on various criteria, including the List of Ingredients, Quality and MG included, Shipping ( Cost or Free Shipping and Speed of Shipment ), Customer Service Availability, Returns and Refunds Policies, Length and Type of Money-Back Guarantee, Prices, Purchase Options ( One Time Purchases and Subscribe And Save Purchase discounts ), Brand Name Awareness, any Product Videos, Customer Reviews and Testimonies, any Science supporting the product ( Research Studies & Clinical Trials, sources, quality, quantity ) and being Doctor-Approved.